Saturday 14 March 2009

Peru News

1) There's more on the new exhumations in Huanta (which I reported on here), and the 'disappearance' of the supposed perpetrator of the massacre:

On March 6th 1986, the United States Embassy in Peru sent a cable report to the State Department in which the disappearance of Captain Artanza [sic] was believed to be engineered by the navy to avoid liabilities and opening the door for further litigation on human rights abuses.

The cable said that the "possibility that terrorists kidnapped Artaza is remote, as the body would have surfaced by now. Police and military do not appear to be searching for the alleged kidnapped victim, nor have they approached us for any information in this regard. Although possibility exists that Artaza vanished on his own, it is more likely that he cooperated with the navy,"

From Impunity Watch

And Peruvian Times: Peru delves into violent past: 40 "disappeared victims" exhumed in highland village of Huanta

2) IPS also reports on the spying on leftist and human rights organisations (mentions the Majaz case too):

Spying on Social Movements (IPS)

3) IPS also uses the success of the film La Teta Asustada at the Berlin Film Festival as a springboard to discuss the sexual violence against women during the conflict. It's a harrowing read:

"I just want the state to apologise; what I want is for those who did this to me to admit that they did it," said Gamboa

Drama Exposes Rape as Weapon of War

4) Here's another article on the Museum of Memory from The Economist (thanks Otto!)

Don't Look Back

5) Finally, a march took place demanding justice for ex-President Fujimori, whose trial is coming to an end:

Miles de personas marcharon exigiendo justicia (CNDDHH)

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